Over the years, I have learned the difference between plagiarism and quotations. In my musical days, I learned that ancient musicians often used thematic material or melodies that were written by other composers in their own music. When this was done, back then, it was called a quotation and considered a compliment.
I love to quote great people that I have met. I have never understood why it is that some people will quote someone and then they don't want to give that person credit for the quote. I think it is cool to have known this man named Mike Galvin, affectionately known as "Lord Galvin". Mike got this nick name back in the days when Star Wars came out. According to Koz, "Mike didn't have a light saber, but he did have a fine set of bagpipes". I am hoping that after I post this in Greg's Sandbox, I can get word to Mike to read this. I know he is retired and most certainly spending a great deal of time on the world wide web.
It was around 1975 when left the University of Maryland and went to work at WRC-TV. There I met Mike for the first time. Most everyone I know from my broadcast days worked at WRC at one time or another. Rhonda, Koz, Richard, Geoff, well that about covers it.....
Mike was in charge of the construction department at WRC.
Koz worked for him. There was this small office in back of the tape room
that they all hung around in. It seemed to me that they were always there.
I always wondered when they did work. I guess they did most of the work
after sign-off.
Mike was famous for saying stuff that everyone could relate to and everyone could remember. Below are a few of those sayings. Most of the good ones came from Mike himself. Others sayings here are credited to Mike simply for the fact that the authors probably would have never "coined" the phrases if it was not for the fact that they were trying to keep up with or compliment Mike.
I never worked directly for Mike, but so many of the things he said have been permanently engraved in my mind. I think I would have never thought of "Greg's Rules" if it was not for Mike. I think that the thing that I liked most about Mike is that even though he worked in the field that I loved the most, technical construction, his sayings were never technical. This leaves me room for my own... Greg's Rules.