I used to work in the video tape room at NBC Washington D.C. There was a supervisor there named Vern Ingersoll. I was always uncomfortable with the notion of sitting around waiting for something to happen. I thought that someone would think I was 'goofing off'. Vern was a veteran of broadcast operations, I had only been in a few years. So I asked him:
"Vern, what should I be doing while we are waiting for some story to break ?"
Vern took a minute to think and responded…
"Greg, don't try to look busy, when you are working, give it everything, when you are not, don't try to look like you are working. It's better for your own peace of mind and it is better for the organization."
Over the years, I have realized the wisdom of Vern's words. The most interesting thing is that I have met many people that adhere to his policy, even if they don't recognize it as a policy.
The second most interesting thing is that I have met many people that are so screwed up that they think they are working when they are actually 'goofing off'.
The successful person, is not one who never 'goofs off' but is one who KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE between 'goofing off' and working !!