Stacy Blair Young
11187 Westwood Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90230
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Get Off the I-405 (San Diego Fwy) at Jefferson Blvd
near the intersection of the I-90 (Marina del Rey Fwy). Go NORTH on Jefferson
Blvd. for 3/10 of a mile. At the traffic light, turn left on Sepulveda
Blvd.. Drive another 3/10 of a mile. Stay in the right hand lane as you
pass the intersection and traffic light at Sawtelle Blvd. Keep to the right
and you will be back on Jefferson Blvd. Go another 3/10 of a mile and turn
left on Dobson Way. Travel three blocks and turn right on Westwood Blvd.
Stacy's house is 2nd house in on the left.
Please park courteously in Stacy's neighborhood.