Dear Friends,
I feel fortunate to be able to participate in another fine issue of the M & R Gazette. My how time has flown. The New Generation is a topic that I enjoy thinking about quite often. At a certain age, I think we all get a little serious about our direction in life. One of the things I have found important is the memory of past activities. To a certain extent it is most important to spend our lives building memories that we can enjoy for years to come. I continually get involved in work projects that keep me so busy that I don't have time for anything else. As busy as I might get, the time still goes by and I have no idea where it has gone. The saddest of all is when you find a few years have gone by and left little or no mark on your memory.
Memories are one thing that are quite vivid about the New Generation. I feel I owe Don Bluth, the group and all of the individuals involved a great deal. There is a significant amount of my teenage memory involved with the New Generation. The most recent memories I have is the last reunion we attended. I feel fortunate to be able to attend another and that I am going to do.
Greg "M" McMurry