My life as a skier.
Greg McMurry
So you slap a couple of sticks on your feet, use some extremely expensive equipment to haul your ass up a Northerly facing mountain that is covered with snow, then you slide down risking life and limb. WHAT A KICK !!
This page is the index to my experiences as a skier. I have documented my first attempts and now, more currently, specific ski trips. Skiing has become an important escape for me in my busy life. I look forward to being on the mountain alone and I look forward to being on a mountain with my friends. I particularly look forward to the parties a'pre ski !!
If you are not a skier, this section will be of little interest to you,
if you are a skier, I can only hope to stimulate you to calling in sick
on a Friday and heading out to you favorite hill.
and other information
Aspen '97 |