THE STUDIO - It started in College Park Maryland !

One day I woke up and decided that nobody was going to give me anything. I had to do it myself.

What did I have to do?

Everything !!!

The first thing I wanted to do was get involved with Audio. I always enjoyed recording, editing and messing around with speakers, tape recorders, microphones and all that stuff. So I decided that that would be a good thing to do as a career.

One day I asked my father if I could build a recording studio in the basement. He thought that was a great idea, but I don't think he felt I would take it as far as I did.

In Maryland, it was typical to have a basement. Most new houses had unfinished basements.

This is the "Studio"
Ken Myers, Rusty and Me
July, 1972

Our TEAC ΒΌ inch recorders were terrific.
We mounted them in nice cabinets that made them easy to operate.

Here Ken sits at our "make-shift" audio console.
A couple of Shure Mixers, and a Sony MX-12 did the job pretty well.

Most things had to be built from stuff we could find.
Here is our audio patch bay built from surplus telephone jacks and wood.
Guess what? -- It worked just fine !!

We even had films. Here our old "B&H FILMO" is being threaded.
We used to show classic films we could check out from the
Prince Georges County Library

A close-up of our TEAC Model A-1230 Recorder
We had Two !

Here Ken is showing me a movie.
We used to invite our girlfriends over and impress them with our expertise with equipment.

Again, most things were built out of materials we could buy at the local hardware store.
We made a lot of good use out of glue and wood.
This is me working inside the cabinet for the TEAC Audio Recorder.