The Sandy Montgomery (Sanson) Volume
September 1998

First, I'd like to tell everyone how excited I am about Saturday night's reunion.  The New Generation was such an important part of my life and I'm looking forward to seeing "the family" again.

You asked for it, so here goes:

I left the New Generation to sing with a small group that was started by a friend at Cal State Northridge.  We auditioned at various locations and ended up in a very nice restaurant/bar in Manhattan Beach.  We were there for 10 months and in that time I met my future husband.  We met and were married all within a span of 11 months and have been married now for 27 years.  I quit singing with the group when I got married but didn't stop singing entirely.  I sang in the church choir and I still sing at weddings and funerals, occasionally.

We moved to Palos Verdes in 1976 and have been here ever since.  I moved around so much when I was in school and so I really wanted my children to have the opportunity to stay in one place and develop lasting friendships.  It really is a great place to raise kids, sort of like being out in the country without having to leave Los Angeles.

We have two children, a girl 24 and a boy 22 .  Our daughter, Candace, lives in San Francisco and attends the University of San Francisco.  Our son, Geoff, is in the Eureka area and attends College of the Redwoods.

My husband, Greg, is in the air freight business and travels quite a bit for his job.  I have had the opportunity to join him on many of his trips and so I have been to many places I never dreamed I would have the chance to see.  Now that the kids are out of the house I'm looking forward to traveling with Greg every chance I get!

In addition to Greg's "real" job, we own a trucking company which I help him run out of our house.  I love being able to stay home and work at my own pace.

About 12 years ago I got very involved in a philanthropic group that raises money for Orthopaedic Hospital which is in the downtown area of Los Angeles.  They are a teaching hospital with some of the best doctors in the US They treat children with orthopedic problems regardless of their ability to pay. They also run a clinic on the border between Mexico and California where children are cared for, if possible, or screened before being transported up to the hospital for treatment.  I have visited the clinic many times to help and at the same time I volunteer at the hospital on a regular basis.  I can't put into words what a very rewarding experience it has been for me.

In my spare time I enjoy playing tennis & golf.  I love to garden, grow my own vegetables, and raise orchids in my greenhouse.

I can't put into words exactly what the New Generation meant to me, it was such a huge part of my life, but I do know that Don and Ellen were key figures in my life and I truly think they helped make me the person I am today.

All in all, the past 25 plus years have been wonderful and I feel very blessed.

Sandy Montomery (Sanson)


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