.: The New Generation Singers

In 1968 Don Bluth, and Ellen Davis formed a singing group called The New Generation that consisted of young people performing popular and show music. The New Generation was made up of approximately 50 young people from West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Culver City and other areas near and around Los Angeles, California.

The New Generation was a voluntary "good will" organization that rehearsed twice a week, performed and toured regularly in Southern California, Mexico, Nevada and Utah.

The photo to the right is one of the many publicity photos that were used to promote our concerts and events. Nearly every person in this photo is still actively involved in our group.

We named this website oldnewgeneration.com simply for the reason that we have now reached the point where each one of the young people you see in this picture is now over 50 years old. Hard to believe isn't it... Well, at least it is for us.

This text will be replaced by the flash music player.

.: The New Generation Today

Today the New Generation is still an active social organization. 40 years ago, the New Generation had approximately 50 active members. Our total roster over the years only slightly exceeded 100 members and friends. Today we are still in regular contact through our email mailing list. That list has more than 50 active subscribers.

These web pages contain pictures and information about our various concerts, tours, reunions and "get-togethers". Mostly they are here for the our members to use and enjoy as an archive of our experiences together. You are more than welcome to browse them.

We would enjoy your comments. Please click on the "Contact Us" link at the left of this screen to send us your personal message.

.: thank you!

Thank you for visiting The New Generation Home Page. We hope these pages have given you a little glimpse into our world together over the past 40 years. It has been and is still out intention to look for improved quality in life through music and brotherhood. We consider our group still active and expect to be together for many more years!

Web site contents © Copyright Greg McMurry 2009, All rights reserved.

Greg's Sandbox